
Treating Your Bunions

Consult with Dr. Supreet Ghuman of Prairie Foot and Ankle to secure effective bunion treatment in Elgin, and Chicago, IL.

What Are Bunions?

Have you noticed a bump near one of your big toes that you swear wasn’t there before? Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. In all likelihood, you’re looking at a bunion.

A bunion forms when a big toe is consistently exposed to excessive pressure. The pressure consistently applied to the big toe eventually causes that joint to shift. As it continues to shift, it creates a bony growth on the side of your foot.

Factors such as your genes, your gait, and your footwear can make you more susceptible to bunions. You are also more likely to develop that condition if you have a condition that causes inflammation. Bunions do more than just change the shape of your feet. They also cause significant pain. The bunion will likely be in a spot that leads to it being irritated whenever you’re walking. You can imagine just how unpleasant that is.

Since your foot has become deformed, you may also need new shoes. The problem is your new shoes may not fit you properly since you’re trying to accommodate your bunions. You may also lose flexibility in your big toe due to the bunion. Even if you can move your toe, doing so may be quite painful.

Secure bunion treatment in Elgin, and Chicago, IL by working with Dr. Ghuman of Prairie Foot and Ankle.

How Will Your Bunion Be Treated?

Now that you know what that growth is on your foot, you start treating it.

Start by heading to the doctor for an examination. They will likely order an X-ray so they can get a good look at your foot before proceeding with any form of treatment. From there, your doctor will probably try to treat your bunion using non-surgical methods first. They may tell you to place some padding in your shoe to alleviate your discomfort or suggest changing your shoes altogether.

Medication is another option worth considering. Pain relievers should help you walk comfortably while steroid injections may reduce the size of the bunion itself. Note that the treatment options mentioned above won’t remove your bunion. If you want that growth removed, your only option is to undergo surgery.

The surgery itself is fairly simple and you likely won’t have to be confined. However, you will have a recovery period ahead of you. You may also have to stay off your feet for a while following the procedure.

Get bunion treatment in Elgin, and Chicago, IL by calling (224) 227-6973 and setting an appointment with Dr. Ghuman of Prairie Foot and Ankle.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


2:00 pm-4:00 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm




9:00 am-1:00 pm





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2:00 pm-4:00 pm









